Monday, January 29, 2018

Fruits season @ Fruitday Fruit bouquets

Fruitday fruit bouquets – Unique gift ideas. It was another beautiful day with sunshine, and our pineapple flowers with muskmelon on top are shining like a Sun. As we are nearing the end of January of the new year, all our new year resolutions are getting into shape. The most important resolution will be leading a healthier lifestyle, that includes consuming more fresh fruits. The important aspect in consumption of fruits should be seasonal. 

January and February months are coldest months and we mostly prefer to stay indoors. During winter, Citrus fruits and strawberries are at peak in season. Of course, varieties of citrus fruits and strawberries in Fruitday fruit bouquets are available year-round, but during the winter months they are at their peak of flavor and you can find them in our menu with fruit arrangements at great prices since they are so abundant.

Strawberries dipped in gourmet chocolates are delicious and top favorite among our Fruitday customers. In addition to their brightness and fresh flavor citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, which boosts our immune system and combat illness. Strawberries are packed with vitamins, fiber, and particularly high levels of antioxidants known as polyphenols, strawberries are a sodium-free, fat-free, cholesterol-free, low-calorie food.

Our Fruitday fruit bouquets are also a great source of fiber, which helps aid in digestion and keeps you feeling full. This is key for everyone who made those New Year’s resolution to reach or maintain a healthy weight. Switching out of your regular snacks with fruit bouquet from our Fruitday menu will cut calories and keep you feeling satisfied. Visit our website for different varieties of Fruitday Fresh fruit bouquets. We are running a special promo offer for Republic day and valentine’s day. For more details please visit our website and Facebook page. 

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